There is always something going on at Wester Pickston! This section of our site gives updates of what we are working on, and other trust related information.
The third open day of the year took place on the 4th August with a high risk of rain. We definitely got off lightly as nearby some places had torrential thunderstorms. We had more visitors than the last rain affected open day which meant our takings were better than we could have expected given the weather forecast. The new model railway group building is coming along although it was not open on the day as it is awaiting a Building Warrant.
Watch the video to find out more:-
A behind the scenes look at how the Perth Model Railway Show was setup on Friday 28th June 2019. Stan Moug the exhibition manager describes the history of the show and how a large event like this comes together. Once again the show that is the largest club run event in Scotland was a huge success maintaining its reputation as one of the friendliest shows in Britain.
A film crew from Channel 4 were present at the successful Perth Model Railway Show held at the Dewars Centre in Perth. As ever this popular show attracted a lot of visitors and enthusiasts who really enjoyed the friendly event. I was able to interview the director who told me what they were up to. Watch the full interview here.
Poor weather put a damper on the May Bank Holiday open day. For those people that came they were able to ride the trains without queuing for very long. The weather did improve over the day with afternoon rides taking place in bright sunshine. Takings were down to about half what we took at Easter but everyone seemed to have a good time. Perth Model Railway Group showed another of their superb layouts. This one in N gauge was modelled on a fictitious German town called Helmstadt.
Glorious weather on Easter Sunday 2019 greeted our first Open Day of the year. Large crowds attended with many families bringing picnics. We nearly beat last May’s record day for rides and money collected. Perth Model Railway Group displayed one of their exhibition layouts which was a great success with children and adults alike. Lets hope the next Open Day on May 26th is as great a success. Watch the video below to find out what happened.
On the 1st April 2019 the Perth & District Model Railway Club joined the Scottish Model Engineering Trust. The club has changed its title to the Perth & District Model Railway Group. Located on the site of the Wester Pickston Railway about 3 miles out of Methven in Perthshire the group are building a new clubroom/workshop beside the Wester Pickston ticket office. The group will continue to run the very successful Perth Model Railway Show at the Dewars Centre on the last weekend in June. …